You can find all the stores we work with using our search tool.
We'll include more every day until we get to the more than 4,000 stores and services that we've currently got signed up.
You just need to do your normal shopping at one of our partner stores.
Add the products you want to buy to your basket and go to the checkout.
Among the various payment types the store offers you'll find one or more of our payment methods.
Our system will open with the payment method you select and you'll see all the information relating to the payment.
Follow the steps until the payment goes through and you're done! We'll keep you up-to-date on the status of the payment at all times by email.
If you prefer to pay in instalments, you can change the payment plan at any time in your user account. You just have to find the order and select "Split payment". You can split the payment over 3 or 6 months.
When you make your first purchase, your account will be created with your personal details and your mobile number and you'll be able to log on whenever you like.
You can make your payment whenever you like, without restrictions or additional cost. All changes are free, without penalty. If your plan has fixed monthly costs, you'll save when you pay off more than one instalment!
Log on to your account and select the plan you want to end to find the "Pay off plan" option, where you'll be able to make all the remaining payments, paying by card, bank transfer or bank deposit.
If on the other hand you want to make a partial payment of various instalments, you can also do this by getting in touch with us.
Of course! If you don't want to wait you can pay whenever you like once delivery has been made.
The easiest way is to log on to your account and pay with your debit or credit card (Visa or Mastercard). You can also choose to be charged automatically by clicking "Automatic payment" in your user account and that way you don't need to keep an eye on the due date (you'll always receive a confirmation email whether the automatic payment has gone through successfully or there has been some kind of problem).
If you prefer, you can also pay by bank transfer or bank deposit*. We have accounts with five different banks for you to choose from. Don't forget to include the reference that we give you in the email so we can find your payment.
* If you choose to go to the bank and make a deposit you should bear in mind that banks do not accept cents and round up the amount.
If you pay by card (whether manually or automatically) we'll send you a confirmation by email. So you'll always know if we've received the payment or not. If not, well immediately look for a solution.
If you make the payment by transfer or bank deposit we'll send you the confirmation email when we receive the payment. Transfers can take 1-2 days to arrive. If more than 2 working days go by after paying and you haven t received our confirmation, you can contact us to check the status of your payment.
Contact the store where you made the purchase so they can notify you of the conditions and thereby process the return. Once the store confirms that they have processed the return successfully we'll refund the amount to the same card that you used to pay the first instalment.
In the event that you change the item or make a partial return, instead of refunding you, the remaining instalments will be adjusted to the new amount of the order.
If the course is cancelled in its entirety, everything that you've paid with seQura will be paid back to you.
Bear in mind that education and training centres usually offer a defined period when you can change your mind (usually 14 days) and some of them charge cancellation fees that they deduct from the amount to be refunded. The training centres' cancellation policies are usually found in the enrolment terms and conditions.
If it's the customer who is asking you to cancel, there are two options depending on your platform.
- Automatic process: If your platform allows it (see the "Operations" section of the paperwork we sent you) simply by updating on your side the change will automatically show up on Simba.
- Manual process: If in the aforementioned paperwork it does not specify that the cancellations are automatic, you have to find the order on Simba and enter the order details:
- Select the "Cancelar / Cancel order" option (bottom left).
- This will open a drop down list with the reasons for cancellation. Select an option as applicable.
- Return to "Cancelar / Cancel order"
- The order will have been cancelled.
Important: An order can only be cancelled if it hasn't been shipped; if the order is already listed as shipped it will have to be processed as a return. For more information it is recommended that you watch the following video: + PEDIDO
• Open this link: https:/ /
• Your username is the email address we gave you and the password is the one you generated in the email we sent you at that address. If it's not your first visit, check whether you have changed the password.
If you need more information, watch these videos: DE+INICIO
We carry out a bank transfer every day including all the orders to be paid on that day to the account provided in the partnership contract.
We bear the costs associated with the transfer provided that this is an account in Spain.
The Simba home page is divided into three large sections:
• Upper menu: this is the green menu in the upper section of the screen.
On the left-hand side of the upper menu is the Orders button, which enables you to search for orders
• Search form: this enables you to search for orders and customer files by entering the details in the applicable fields.
The right-hand side of the upper menu displays an order search option. The field with a magnifying glass is the order search tool. Here you can enter the store order reference to carry out the search. When you click on the order, a screen will open with all the customer and shopping basket information.
For more information, watch this video: DE+INICIO
To register the return of an order, there are two options depending on your platform.
- Automatic process: If your platform allows it (see the "Operations" section of the paperwork we sent you) simply by updating on your side the change will automatically show up on Simba.
- Manual process: If in the aforementioned paperwork it does not specify that the returns are automatic, you have to find the order on Simba and enter the order details:
• Click "Editar Carrito / edit cart" in the lower part of the invoice (bottom left).
• This will immediately enable the cart fields to be edited: "Reference", "Name", "Prices", "Quantity" and "Totals" and the trash can icon will appear on the right.
• Delete the returned products using this icon.
• Lastly, press "Actualizar / Save"For more information, watch the following videos:
We need to know when you'll be sending the products to the customer in order to get the payment instructions to them. To this end, we need you to mark the orders as shipped when you send them.
It's important that this is done when the order is shipped and that this shows beforehand any change that may have arisen before shipping, whether in terms of products sent or customer details, shipping and invoice addresses...
Depending on your eCommerce platform, you'll need to follow different steps. You can refer to the operations documentation that we've given to you for this. If you still have queries, you can contact us at
We process payments for orders shipped every working day (if payment for an order falls on a weekend or public holiday it is processed the following working day). Check your contract to see the time it takes for each of our products to be paid.
Once you have opened an order, you will see the following information:
- Purchase reference (Order number)
- Date of purchase
- Payment method chosen by the customer
- Customer details: Full name / email address / Date of birth
- Basket (items or services bought by the customer)
- Payment report (transfers)
- Record of retailer's activity (updating of basket, returns, cancellations, etc.)
For more information, watch this video: +PEDIDO
Write to us at giving an email address for each user you need. Once created, the new users will receive an email with a link to generate their password.
You can also create permissions to access the seQura back office depending on the role of each user. Viewing the various aspects related to your account will depend on such permissions. You can have users for administration and others for warehouse and shipping management who can only access the fields they need to do their job.
We deduct a percentage of the total order amount when making a payment for it. The commission will depend on the method of payment chosen by your customer.
For example: a split payment will mean a commission of 0.5% of the order amount regardless of whether your customer chooses to pay in 3, 6 or 12 instalments.
If you've decided to offer Split into 3 at no charge for your customer, a commission of 2.95% of the order amount will be applied to you.
Check that your website's SSL certificates are valid. If the problem persists, contact us at specifying your business.
By trusting in us as a payment method, you become our partner. This means that we accept 100% of the transaction risk and you can be assured that you will be paid for the orders.
Because we are the ones who verify the details of your customer, once we accept a sale, it means that we will pay you this amount whether or not your customer pays.You only need to focus on selling - we'll look after the rest!
We give you all the marketing resources you need to convey our flexible payment solutions to your customers. To maximise efficiency check out our tutorial for the best way of applying them. Click here.
Go to our documentation and select your e-commerce platform. Step 3.3 UPDATING explains the steps to follow.
Our plugins are compatible with most eCommerce platforms. Write to us at specifying your business and we'll give you everything you need for your new website.
It often happens that during the lifetime of a company, changes arise in terms of banking information, address and other fiscal data. In any of these circumstances, you only have to send an email to our legal department or contact customer services and we'll process it immediately. We'll just need the paperwork verifying such a change. In the case of bank accounts we need the account title certificate issued by the bank.
If you haven't received any notifications from seQura once the period for order acceptance verifications has elapsed it means that you can go ahead and ship the order. Ship using your own management platform (Prestashop, Magento, etc...); once a day the information about shipments will be automatically updated on Simba.
Very occasionally it may happen that an order does not automatically update the shipment correctly from your platform to Simba. In these cases you need to mark the order as shipped manually. To mark the shipment manually on Simba you need:
"Shop now, pay later"
• Click on the green "Enviar Carrito / Ship items" button, in the lower right-hand side of the order information.
• Then select "Enviar / Ship items"
For more information, watch this video:
"Split payment"
• Click on the green "Enviar Carrito / Ship items" button, in the lower right-hand side of the order information.
• Then select "Enviar todo / Ship everything":
• And finally click "Actualizar / Save"
For more information, watch this video:
Check that your website's SSL certificates are valid. If the problem persists, contact us at specifying your business.
Our Instore solution enables you to extend the same experience that you offer customers on your website to the in-person channel.
The products available for selling in your physical stores are: Split into 3 and Split Payment.
Your sales staff will be able to replicate the dynamism of an eCommerce purchase by requesting just the same 5 personal details requested on the website: name, ID number, date of birth, mobile number and invoice address.
The most immediate experience on the market! Your customer will leave your store happy with their order in their hands.
To delete items from a basket follow these steps:
• Click "Editar Carrito / edit cart" in the lower part of the invoice (bottom left).
• This will immediately enable the cart fields to be edited: "Reference", ', "Name", "Prices", "Quantity" and "Totals" and the trash can icon will appear on the right.
• Delete the products concerned using this icon
• Lastly, click "Actualizar / Save"
The system will automatically send the customer the new payment conditions.
Important: Once financing has been accepted new products cannot be added to the basket. In the event that the customer wants to buy more items, they will have to make a new purchase or pay the difference to the retailer.
For more information, watch this video: FRACCIONADO
We give you all the marketing resources you need to convey our flexible payment solutions to your customers. To maximise efficiency check out our tutorial for the best way of applying them. Click here.
You can configure the language of the Simba interface (English/Spanish). The right- hand side of the upper menu on the home page shows the name of the store. When you click on this various options drop down. One of these is:
• Select language
For more information, watch this video:
• Click "Editar Carrito / edit cart" in the lower part of the invoice (bottom left).
• Click the "Añadir descuento / Add discount" option
• An additional line will be added to the basket to record the discount*
• Lastly, click "Actualizar / Save"
The system will automatically send the customer the new payment conditions. *It is not necessary to enter the negative value of the discount. The system performs the calculation itself and makes the applicable deduction.
For more information, watch this video: + FRACCIONADO
To request a new user to access our order panel you need to contact the support service:
- Telephone number: 93 176 00 08 Monday-Friday 9-14:00 and 18-21:00
- Email address:
• Click "Editar Carrito / edit cart" in the lower part of the invoice (bottom left).
• Click the "Añadir gastos de envío / Add handling" option
• An additional line will be added to the basket to record the new charge
• Lastly, click "Actualizar / Save"
The system will automatically send the customer the new payment conditions.
For more information, watch these videos:
The right-hand side of the upper menu on the home page shows the name of your business. When you click on this various options drop down. Among them:
• Enter a new password
If you can't remember the current password, you can restore it on the same home page as the panel, using the "Forgot password?" option.
For more information, watch this video: